
free astrology software

Horoscope Window

The Horoscope windows appears when you choose the menu item Horoscope | New Horoscope or Edit Horoscope.

There are currently four choices for the type of horoscope. A typical horoscope of birth is called Standard.

Derived allows for the creation of a single chart based on a transit or direction.

Comparison (Standard/Standard) allows for the creation of a dual chart that compares a primary event to that of either a date or secondary event. Primarily used for producing a dual (synastry) chart.

Comparison (Standard/Derived) allows for the creation of a dual chart that compares a primary event to that of either a date or secondary event. Primarily used for producing a dual (transit or progressed) chart.

The Primary Event Data box, allows for the selection of a saved Event by clicking on the "Load..." button, or the quick list from the down arrow adjacent to this button. If you choose to create a new Event, click the "New..." button and enter a Name, Date and Location within the new event window.

If the Secondary source for comparison charts is a date, enter the appropriate date below this block.

If the Secondary source for comparison charts is a saved Event, click on the "Load..." button, or the quick list from the down arrow adjacent to this button. You may also create a new Event in the same manner as for a new Primary Event.

For derived charts, choose either Transit or Progression, and a sub-type if applicable.

If the horoscope is a derived horoscope, you can choose the type (direction, transit) and a sub-type if applicable.

Horoscope Description should be a suitable caption for the chart. In case of a birth horoscope, it will usually be the name of the person, or an event. For comparison charts, it will usually be something like "Sue and John".


Press the Advanced button to precise additional horoscope settings.

Used Bodies

Select a list of bodies to use in the horoscope. By default, bodies enlisted in Default Bodies Set are used (see Settings).

Used Aspects

Select a list of aspects to use in the horoscope. By default, aspects enlisted in Default Aspects Set are used (see Settings).