
free astrology software



Type: Static Object

A container containing any number (or none) of aspect definitions. A new object can be dynamically created using the New(symbol) method.

Different astrology schools use very different approaches to the aspect calculation. StarFisher tries to respect this fact and offers quite a flexible method of aspect and orb calculation. Basically, there are two main approaches - the aspectary one and the planetary one. The aspectary approach defines wider orbs for more "important" aspects regardless on the involved bodies. The planetary approach on the other hand defines wider orbs for more "important" bodies (planets) regardless on the involved aspects.

Plain Aspects

Suppose we have two bodies – X and Y and the program tests whether they form an aspect A. These steps are done:

  • The A’s defined angle (see Settings.SettingsName.Aspect.AspectName.Angle) is tested whether it belongs to a harmonic less or equal to the harmonic defined in both X.AspectHarmonicLimit and Y.AspectHarmonicLimit. If it does not, the aspect is not formed (the harmonics go like this 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, ... So, if HarmonicLimit is set to level 2, only conjunctions and oppositions will pass).
  • The aspectary orb is read form A.Orb
  • The planetary orb is calculated using this formula:
    (X.Orb + Y.Orb) / 2
  • Now the both orbs are combined using a weight defined in Settings.SettingsName.Model.AspectaryXPlanetaryOrb like this:
    AspectaryOrb * (100 - weight )/100 + PlanetaryOrb * weight/100
  • If X and Y are Sun and Moon, the orb is incremented by A.SolilunarExtension
  • If the orb exceeds X.MaxOrb, it is set to X.MaxOrb
  • If the orb exceeds Y.MaxOrb, it is set to Y.MaxOrb
  • If the orb exceeds A.MaxOrb, it is set to A.MaxOrb
  • The program takes positions of X and Y and calculates the angle between them. Then, it compares the calculated angle and the defined angle of the aspect A (see Settings.SettingsName.Aspect.AspectName.Angle) and gets a difference. If the difference is greater than the calculated orb, the aspect is not formed.

Mutual aspects

Aspects in comparison horoscopes are calculated similarly as plain aspects, but the following steps are done:

In most cases the orb is limited to 50% (0.5) of normal orb and limited to maximum of 1°30';

Transit effect boundaries

When searching for effect boundaries, the calculation is a bit simplified, the planetary importance is neglected and only the aspectary settings are used.




Creates a new instance of this object and assigns it the name symbol.



Deletes an instance of this object named symbol.

Nested Objects